How can you make sure the potential franchise partners are the right choice for the development of your business?

How to validate the partner’s knowledge of the particularities of the your business and the compatibility with the company’s culture. Or if the partner has a good understanding of the local market and realistic expectations regarding the business profitability.

Our Services

  • Draw up the Candidate’s (Franchisee’s) Profile, according to franchise business model
  • Draw up the Evaluation Chart for the Candidate’s Profile
  • Identification, recruiting and selection of candidates (franchisees) for different business franchise models
  • Assisting the clients (franchisors) in all negotiations with the franchisees, up to the signing of the franchise agreement (s)
  • Promotion of the franchisor’s business model through proprietary channels:
    • – webportal owned by Inventure, providing up to date information regarding the franchise market in Romania, trends for the different industries, and the dimension of the franchise networks
    • newsletter sent to our database of potential investors
    • Business Opportunity Meetings – organized locally or nationally, in order to promote different franchise concepts